APM WinMachine 19

Analysis kernel

  1. New types of computational analysis have been added to the «Calculation model» tree: «Nonlinear static analysis» and «Dynamic analysis». They take into account most of the possibilities inherent in certain types of nonlinear calculations that were implemented in previous versions.
  2. For non-linear analysis, another new model of non-linear material properties has been added: «Hyperelastic Compressible NeoHookan» model.
  3. «Harmonic Analysis» is expanding. The setting it up and launching has been moved to the Calculation Model tree, and in the new version, broadband random vibration will also be available.
  4. Implemented special finite elements: rigid element, deformable element, constraint equation. This will significantly expand the possibilities for modeling structures.
  5. Added a new connector type «One-Directional Link». The tool is universal and supports operation both in the “only tension” / “only compression” mode, and in the “tension / compression” mode with different stiffness characteristics (modeling of bellows is possible).
  6. «Topological optimization» functionality is extended. The following were added:
    • New criterion for optimization — «Buckling»;
    • Possibility of optimization taking into account natural frequencies of the structure;
    • New response — complete displacement of nodes;
    • New response — complete reaction in a support;
    • Selection of several nodes to limit the reaction in the support;
    • New optimization method.
  7. Completion of computational algorithms using CUDA technology was carried out, as well as the method of solving SLAE — TENSORTRAIN — was improved.
  8. Several load cases are now possible for buckling analysis at once.
  9. Accelerated solution of buckling problems using the DetRoots  method (search for the roots of the determinant).
  10. Saving a log-file with information about the user and the program actions to disk has been implemented. Moreover, the user can independently configure the «amount of stored data» in several versions: normal, extended, debugging, system.

APM Stucture3D new interface features

  1. The model creation functionality using «Calculation model» tree has been significantly expanded. The following sections have been added to the tree:
    • Static loads;
    • Sections of beam/truss FE;
    • Properties of pipelines;
    • Geotechnical data;
    • Connections.
  2. Added the function of assigning «hot keys» to any commands necessary for building the calculation model, its calculation and analysis of the results.
  3. A new mode «Model fragmentation» has been implemented, which allows you to quickly make visible only that part of the structure with which the user is currently working.
  4. It became possible to customize the output of values on the results scale (decimal / exponential and the number of decimal places).
  5. Implemented additional functionality «Calculator» in edit boxes of dialog boxes.
  6. The mechanism for displaying the model section on the result maps has been implemented.
  7. «Element Information» operation has been unified.
  8. Added a view filter to disable the display of hinges, releases.
  9. Added view filter to disable accelerations.
  10. Different types of loads are now visually colored with different colors.
  11. «Measurement Units» are added to the «Program settings» tree.
  12. Additional option «Remove selection after operations» is implemented.
  13. Improvements have been made for splitting a group of bars «with attachment».
  14. A filter has been added to the «Design elements» dialog, which turns off the display of structural fake rolex datejust elements included in groups. It also turns off the display of groups that are in other groups.
  15. For the convenience of working with design elements, automatic display of LCS on bar finite elements has been implemented.
  16. The algorithm for constructing maps of soil stratification has been improved.
  17. Work with the «Soils» section has been completely transferred to the «Analysis model» tree. This increased the convenience of work, and also made it possible to set new soil parameters necessary for further calculation of foundations.If you are in the market for superclone Replica Rolex , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!
  18. The choice of finite elements by index has been implemented (used, for example, when preparing and analyzing the results of Topological optimization).
  19. New command «Select nodes/deselect nodes» belonging to selected elements has been added.
  20. Added the mode «Display nodes» belonging to structural elements visible on the working field.
  21. When displaying a callout on the results map, it is possible to add the coordinates of the point from where it was made.
  22. In the «Select All» mode (Ctrl+A), only what is currently visible on the workspace will be selected. That is, the operation of view filters is taken into account.
  23. In the «Status Bar» the display of the size of a rectangle or the radius of a circle has been added when the «Box Selection» operation is working (both in the selection mode and in the deselection mode).

APM Studio

Pre-and-postprocessor of 3D solid and shell models for finite element analysis

  1. New ribbon interface.
  2. Large strain/displacements + material non-linearity analysis has been added.
  3. The model tree has been updated and restructured. By default, it groups information in the form of the sections: Planes, Materials, Contacts, Connections, Restraints, Loads, Finite element mesh.
  4. For the elements of the model tree, the option «Exclude from analysis» has been added on the right mouse button. This option works on all elements and operations in the tree. For example, turn off a part or load. When a part is excluded from the calculation, all operations related to it are also excluded from the calculation.
  5. Added the ability to simultaneously edit a group of contacts. Select a group of contacts in the tree, select «Edit» using the RMB and change, for example, the contact type.
  6. The selection of tree objects is implemented using the Shift and/or Ctrl keys. The Shift key is used to select from the first to the nth element, and Ctrl to select each one that was specified.
  7. Added the ability to interactively edit the geometry of a part (a part from an assembly), followed by its automatic replacement in the assembly in the mode of performing FE analysis. At the same time, you do not need to re-set the boundary conditions and other settings.
  8. Specialized «Selection Filters» are added for the convenience of selecting on the work field: vertexes, edges, faces, bodies.
  9. «Select All» command is added.
  10. The «Selection by rectangle» mode is now available when setting boundary conditions, materials, thicknesses, etc.
  11. Expanded the capabilities of the geometry measurement tool. Now it is possible to measure the length of an edge, the diameter of a hole, as well as calculate the surface area, a body volume.
  12. It is now possible to model hinged supports for solids and surfaces. This feature is implemented as part of the new «Remote Restraint» command.
  13. A new restraint «Elastic foundation».
  14. A new load «Hydrostatic pressure».
  15. A new model object «Point mass».
  16. A new load «Remote force».
  17. A new command «Joint» to model connections.
  18. Mesh local settings can work for a group of selected parts. As a result, a separate command appears in the «Finite Element Analysis» tree node.
  19. The length of the smallest edge is now displayed in the «Mesh Parameters…» dialog.
  20. An automatic «checking the model integrity» function is added before generating a FE-mesh. This is important to check the correctness of assembly models.
  21. It is now possible to stop (interrupt) the process of FE-mesh generation.
  22. The possibilities for using various models of materials have been expanded, which is important for nonlinear analysis.
  23. The context menu for the editor workspace has been extended. Available commands: «Add a part or subassembly», «Show all», «Unsuppress all», «Select all», «Unselect», «Invert selection».
  24. A part context menu is extended. Available operations: «Delete», «Hide», «Hide the rest», «Exclude from analysis», «Open part», «Mesh on a part».

APM FGA Fluid and Gas Flow Analysis

  1. The analysis of Stokes flows in various combinations of problem statements is implemented:
    • stationary/ non-stationary,
    • isothermal / thermal,
    • single-phase / two-phase.
  2. The boundary condition and the «Volume fraction» phase property have been added for the analysis of Stokes flows with a free surface in a two-phase formulation.
  3. Added initial conditions: «Initial pressure», «Initial velocity», «Initial temperature» for the analysis of Stokes flows in a non-stationary formulation.
  4. Support for the analysis of Stokes flows in the formulation of one-way FSI problems has been implemented.
  5. Setting the boundary conditions «wall» on the free surfaces of bulk elements is implemented automatically in the absence of data in the model of boundary conditions for analysis of Stokes and Navier-Stokes flows.
  6. Implemented the rendering of boundary conditions in the APM Structure3D module.
  7. Added the result of the analysis «Distance to the wall» for the analysis of Navier-Stokes flows in a turbulent formulation.
  8. The functionality of the postprocessor has been expanded with new additional results for the analysis of Stokes and Navier-Stokes flows:
    • fields of strain rates and vorticity,
    • minimum, maximum and average values of the characteristic fields on the selected surfaces of solids.

APM WinMachine 17

Nonlinear analysis

  • Large strains in the elastic and plastic formulation for geometrically and physically nonlinear problems have been implemented for solids;
  • Elastoplastic materials models in nonlinear problems of solid mechanics based on the Mises flow criterion is improved. Available material models:
    • Ideal elastoplastic;
    • Bilinear elast oplastic with isotropic hardening;
    • Multilinear elastoplastic with isotropic hardening;
    • Nonlinear elastoplastic with isotropic hardening.
  • Contacts are now available for geometric, physical and general nonlinear problems;
  • The convergence of nonlinear calculations related to physical nonlinearity is improved, which reduces the calculation time;
  • New contact types – «glue” and ”beam” contacts;

Crack resistance of structures

  • Added the ability to calculate crack resistance for non-linear analysis (physical, geometric and general non-linearity);
  • Calculation of crack resistance is now available for a load combination;
  • To calculate the crack resistance, XFEM method is implemented.Harmonic analysis – new analysis type

Harmonic analysis is now implemented in APM Structure3D!

A solution is found for steady-state forced oscillations for a user-specified frequency range. It is understood that the force factors affecting the model change according to a harmonic law. The damping specified in the model avoids an unlimited increase in the amplitude of oscillations in resonance modes. The calculation is based on the linearity of the calculation model (absence of plasticity and absence of gaps). The calculation result is maps of displacements, velocities, or accelerations, as well as a spectrum (a graph of the model’s response depending on the frequency of external forces) for the user defined design node.

Key features of the algorithm:

  • Damping can be set in two ways. Either through the corresponding property of the material (the default value can be used), or by setting the «Rayleigh» type of damping;
  • Three types of separation of a given frequency range are implemented: linear, logarithmic, and oriented to the values of natural frequencies.

Topological optimization

  • Consideration of symmetry constraints in the fastest algorithm for optimization (Optimality Criterion);
  • Implementation of a new calculation algorithm for the possibility of a user independently forming an optimization problem — using model responses (results of static calculation) as an objective function and / or as a limitation.
  • A set of possible types of static responses:
    • Volume;
    • Mass;
    • Rigidity;
    • Nodal displacement;
    • Projection of nodal displacement in a given direction;
    • Mutual displacement of two nodes;
    • Element stress (SVM);
    • Maximum stress in the group of elements (SVM);
    • Reaction in a node.
  • Added the ability to post-process optimization results for structures made of plate finite elements;
  • New calculation method is added to limit the «Maximum thickness»;
  • The ability to specify up to three planes of symmetry is added for «Symmetry» constraint;
  • The ability to specify a plane with the material is added for «Stamping» constraint;
  • New technological constraint — «Extrusion»;
  • New technological restriction — «3D printing»

Structures calculation and design

  • Time-optimized calculation of code combinations for large models;
  • Code combinations calculation results can be seen as color maps of the distribution of stresses, displacements and loads;
  • Reinforcement maps for reinforced concrete elements are now available as a separate type of result maps;
  • Triangular plate MITC element;
  • Changes have been made to the algorithm for calculating reinforced concrete slabs for punching, which allows automatic checking of all options for the position of columns relative to the slab and selecting the intensity of the transverse reinforcement for the worst of them;
  • Implemented a mechanism of elements groups for reinforced concrete and reinforced-stone structural elements;
  • Significantly expanded the functionality of calculating column foundations:
    • Checking calculation of foundations;
    • Foundation calculation for the bearing capacity in accordance with i.5.7 SP 22.13330.2016;
    • Nonlinear calculation results (calculation of “one-sided supports and ropes”) can be used as loads on the foundation.
    • A new algorithm for the nonlinear calculation of cables and one-directional supports, which allows one to indicate under what forces the tension of the cables is set and to perform a rolex day date rolex calibre 2836 2813 mens 118135 calculation for several combinations, including dynamic loads (wind pulsation and seismic);
    • In the “Pretension” dialog for cables, all options for setting the cable tension are now activated;
  • A new algorithm for the nonlinear calculation of cables and one-directional supports, which allows one to indicate under what forces the tension of the cables is set and to perform a calculation for several combinations, including dynamic loads (wind pulsation and seismic);
  • In the “Pretension” dialog for cables, all options for setting the cable tension are now activated;
  • Both concentrated and distributed loads can be applied to cables;
  • A new type of design elements — «aluminum». Checking the bearing capacity is carried out according to SP 128.13330.2016 — updated edition of SNiP 2.03.06-85 * «Aluminum structures».

TCP/IP Analysis Server FSI (Fluid-Structure Interaction)

  • Automated data exchange with FlowVision (TESIS);
  • Transient heat analysis with FlowVision (TESIS);

New interface features

  • Implemented a general settings tree APM Structure3D;
  • Built-in “Calculation parameters tree” in the “Calculation” dialog;
  • A button «Remember» has been added to the «Calculation» dialog. It will allow you to remember the settings made by the user for various types of calculation;
  • «Harmonic Oscillations» and «Fatigue Calculation» buttons have been added in the «Calculation» dialog;
  • The start of electromagnetic calculations is moved in a separate dialog box;
  • A separate specialized dialog for “Topological optimization” parameters and starting the calculation;
  • New command “Select free nodes”;
  • For the convenience of the “Node on a Rod” command, the blue marker for the beginning and end of the bar has been highlighted;
  • The “Connect nodes” command has been modified. There are options to configure the search algorithm, as well as the algorithm for connecting nodes (selecting the index of the left node — MIN / MAX);
  • The button «Invert layer visibility» has been added to the «Layers» dialog;
  • Information on plate offset has been added to the «Plate Information» dialog;
  • In the dialogs “Section Offset” and “Plate Offset”, numerical values of standard offsets are additionally displayed;
  • Information about the specified eccentricity of the rod is displayed in the «Stress in cross-section» window;
  • Improved display of color filter maps for a more visual representation of the properties of structural elements;
  • A filter of “Temperature loads” values has been added to visually display the values of thermal loads in nodes, rods and plates;
  • A filter of “Nodal displacements” values has been added;
  • License information is added in the «About» dialog added;
  • Support displaying options — the appearance and size of special icons are changing;
  • Measure distances mode on result maps;
  • The command «Element Forces» for rod FEs is displayed on the «Results Map» panel.

Optimization and performance

  • The optimization of the speed of rendering objects;
  • The “Rectangular Frame Selection” command has been optimized;
  • Dynamic rotation of a model is accelerated;
  • Optimization of the results map dialog display;
  • Optimized data storage system in the model;
  • The procedure for removing a large number of finite elements has been accelerated;
  • Save / load procedure has been optimized;
  • The internal “Copy Construction” procedure (copying a part of the structure) was optimized, which significantly accelerated the main commands used in a model creation (in particular: copying / pasting from the clipboard, pushing, polar array, mirror, etc.);
  • To accelerate the rendering of the outer shell of solid models, the parallelization process (OpenMP) is implemented.

APM Studio

  • Boolean operations on parts;
  • “Сreate chamfers” command;
  • A part simplification command;
  • Mixed assemblies analysis. Assemblies consisting solids and shells can be calculated;
  • New contact types – glue and beam contact;
  • Median shell creation command;
  • Split shell part on separate parts command;
  • Create shells on solid faces command;
  • Surface extension/intersection command in assemblies;
  • Cylindrical supports restraint;
  • Extended “Move parts” command;
  • Import file from: IGES, STEP, SAT, C3D;
  • Non-stationary heat transfer analysis;
  • Curvature based meshing;
  • Creating a FE-mesh ONCE! When changing boundary conditions (loads and supports, material of parts) there is no need to remesh;
  • Coincident mesh on contact surfaces.

APM FGA Fluid and Gas Flow Analysis

  • Support for «advanced» models. Finite element models created, including for any FGA analysis, can contain all types of elements (plates, rods, etc.). The presence of such elements does not affect the FGA analysis in any way; all elements except first-order solids with specified flow properties are «fictitious»;
  • One-way FSI: converter of the results of the analysis of Navier-Stokes flows (pressure and / or temperature fields) into structural loads for further calculations of stress-strain states of solids;
  • Models of a porous medium in the Navier-Stokes equations;
  • k-epsilon turbulence model;
  • Additional results that can be obtained after performing a basic analysis of the Navier-Stokes flows (flow through the selected surface, loads on the selected surface, etc.);
  • Presentation of vector FGA analysis results in the form of vector fields and / or streamlines. Advanced configuration of map options;
  • Support for the stabilized bi-conjugate gradient method as a SLAE solver based on CUDA technologies.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.

Annual User Forum 2019

Annual user forum was held on May, 2019 which brought together industry experts from all over Russia who are not indifferent to the fate of domestic software products replica watches swiss made in the field of CAE analysis. APM company announced the new 17th version of the APM product line. Many changes in this release are fundamental.

The three-dimensional graphics editor of APM Studio was updated, which was transferred to the rolex datejust damen m279381rbr 0014 28mm automatisch three-dimensional graphics core of ASCON. Much attention was paid to the new opportunities for modeling and calculating large deformations of non-linear problems. A significant role in the speeches was given to the helpful site topological optimization. Additional changes and the new features appeared in the products for modeling the mechanics of liquid and gas.

The research and development center «APM» continues to develop and improve software products in the field of construction and engineering calculations and design.

APM WinMachine

CAE software for automated calculation and design of mechanical equipment

APM WinMachine is software for automated calculation and design of equipment and structures in mechanical engineering.The most distinctive feature of APM WinMachine is a vertically integrated structure, which allows developers to organize communication between computational modules to solve complex engineering problems.

APM WinMachine is built according to a modular architecture, which provides usability for industry-specific mechanical engineering problems.

All modules are divided into four groups:

  • Graphic tools (2D and 3D preprocessor for preparing geometry for calculations);
  • Machine parts and connections (calculations of standard machine parts, mechanisms, as well as their connections);
  • Finite element analysis (analysis of strength, stability, modal, dynamics);
  • Databases.
  • APM WinMachine product is registered in the Register of Russian computer programs and databases.

This software product is offered in two configurations:

  • ST — the dimension of problems to be solved does not exceed 1.5 million degrees of freedom;
  • XE — there are no restrictions on the problem dimensions to be solved (the actual dimension is limited by the computer RAM size).If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain chain bracelet and cuffs.

Аdditional options are available:

  • Composite: calculation of structures made of composite materials;
  • Fracture: design calculation with crack analysis;
  • Fatigue: fatigue analysis, calculation using random loads;
  • Pipe: using special finite elements for pipeline calculations;
  • TopOpt: topological optimization of structures.

User guides are presented as separate documents for each APM WinMachine module:

  • APM Structure3D — module for calculating the stress-strain state, stability, dynamics of parts and structures by the finite element method;
  • APM Studio — pre- and post-processor for creating models for finite-element analysis with the ability to import STEP files;
  • APM Joint — module for calculation and design of machine elements connections;
  • APM Trans — module for calculation and design of mechanical rotation gears;
  • APM Shaft — a module for calculation and design of shafts and axles;
  • APM Bear — a module for calculation and design of bearing units with regard to their accuracy class;
  • APM Drive — a module for calculation and design of bearings;
  • APM Spring — the module for calculation and design of the elastic elements of machines;
  • APM Cam — CAM calculation and design module;
  • APM Plain — module for calculation and design of plain bearings;
  • APM Screw — module for calculation of screw gears;
  • APM Dynamics — module of the kinematic analysis of lever mechanisms;
  • APM Graph — a 2D parametric drawing and graphics editor;
  • APM Base — a module for creating and editing databases.

APM WinMachine is the top CAE software product in Russia that has no analogues!

Product features

Strength analysis:

  • analysis of the stress-strain state (static);
  • buckling;
  • nonlinear analysis;
  • vibration strength;
  • crack resistance;
  • fatigue.

Calculations of Joints In Structures:

  • bolted;
  • welded;
  • riveting;
  • compound rotation bodies.

Design and Verification Calculations of Machine Parts:

  • mechanical gears;
  • shafts and axles;
  • rolling bearings;
  • plain bearings;
  • elastic elements of machines;
  • cam mechanisms;
  • transmission of translational motion.

Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of Lever Mechanisms:

  • modeling of the mechanism;
  • determination of the dependence of linear and angular kinematic parameters on time;
  • determination of the dependence of forces and moments on time.

Mesh Generation:

  • automatic mesh generation on surface and solid-state 3D models;
  • uniform and adaptive mesh;
  • local mesh size of edges and surfaces;
  • manual edit of generated FEM grid;
  • work with rods, shells and solids.



Strength analysis for KOMPAS-3D

APM FEM is a strength analysis module designed to work with the CAD software system KOMPAS-3D.

The main goal of the module is to help engineer to make reasonable design decisions using 3D models calculations. This undoubtedly improves the quality and saves time spent on product development, and therefore makes it competitive!

Typical objects for calculation are small in terms of the overall dimensions and wall thickness of the part and assembly: thrust, lugs, stops, brackets, angles, levers, body parts, support elements, etc. For such parts and assemblies, it is important to quickly evaluate the strength of the elements with possible optimization of the structure using the associative connection of the geometric and computational models.

The main steps in the calculation:

  • preparation of 3D-models for the strength calculation (simplified geometry);
  • setting of boundary conditions (load, support);
  • mesh generation;
  • viewing the results (stress, displacements, safety factors, etc.);
  • calculation process;
  • view the results and analyze the values ​​of the main design characteristics (voltages, safety factors, displacements, etc.);
  • modification of the model according to the results of the calculations (change of the geometry / material);
  • repeated computational analysis to confirm the performance of the product.

Additional functionalities (options) are available for the product:

  • calculation of surface models (shells) allows the calculation of surface models created in KOMPAS-3D;
  • topological optimization allows you to calculate the design to determine the optimal distribution of the material to improve the mass-stiffness characteristics of the product.

User guide for APM FEM.

Product features


  • set the boundary conditions (support and load);
  • automatically mesh generation (fixed and adaptive element size);
  • select the desired type of calculation and perform it;
  • visualize different types of results for further analysis and preparation of a text report.

APM FEM allows you to perform:

  • static analysis;
  • buckling analysis;
  • modal analysis;
  • topological optimization;;
  • steady-state thermal analysis;;
  • thermoelasticity analysis.

Advantages of APM FEM:

  • single solution and interface of KOMPAS-3D;
  • CAD interface provides the user with simplicity and usability of operation for both the geometric and the calculated model;
  • software system works directly with the geometric model without using format conversion;
  • integration with full-featured CAE APM WinMachine system;
  • technical support and qualified assistance on all issues.



Strength calculation of structures

APM StructFEM is a CAE system of strength analysis. In fact, it is an integral part of the APM WinMachine software product, but it can be used as an independent software product.APM StructFEM software allows you to calculate stress-strain state (using the finite element method) of the three-dimensional objects of any complexity with arbitrary boundary conditions, static or dynamic (force or temperature) loading.

Preprocessor tools allow you to prepare a structural model for calculations using beam, shell and solid finite elements. The finite element mesh can be built automatically or manually. At the same time, you can load geometry from CAD-systems by importing STEP and SAT file formats.

Software also includes a special tool for joint calculation. It allows user to select optimal characteristics for joint, for example, the minimum required diameters and number of bolts or rivets, the fillet weld, etc.
APM StructFEM is intended for use in the following industries: road and railway transport, nuclear, oil and gas, lifting and transport engineering, education (in technical universities), etc.

This product is offered in two configurations:

  • ST — the dimension of tasks to be solved does not exceed 1.5 million degrees of freedom;
  • XE — there are no restrictions on the dimensions of the tasks to be solved (the actual dimension is limited by RAM of the PC).

Аdditional options are available:

  • Composite: calculation of structures made of composite materials;
  • Fracture: design calculation with crack analysis;
  • Fatigue: fatigue analysis, calculation using random loads;
  • Pipe: using special finite element for pipeline calculations
  • TopOpt: topological optimization of structures.

User guides are presented as separate documents for each APM WinMachine module:

  • APM Structure3D — module for calculating the stress-strain state, stability, dynamics of parts and structures by the finite element method;
  • APM Studio — pre- and post-processor for creating models for strength (finite-element) analysis with the ability to import STEP files;
  • APM Graph — a 2D parametric drawing and graphics editor;
  • APM Dynamics — the module of the kinematic analysis of lever mechanisms;
  • APM Joint — module for calculating and designing connections for machine elements;
  • APM Base — a module for creating and editing databases.

APM StructFEM is registered in the Register of Russian computer programs and databases. The calculated core of the APM StructFEM sofware product is the APM Structure3D module that also has a software certification certificate issued by ROSTEKHNADZOR, FBU NTC NRS.Article Sponsored Find something for everyone in our collection of colourful, bright and stylish socks. Buy individually or in bundles to add color to your sock drawer!

Product Features

Linear Static Calculation:

Nonlinear Calculation:

  • geometric and physical nonlinearity;
  • contact interaction;
  • simulation of the process of loading and unloading.

Steady-state and Transient Thermal Analysis:

  • specialized heat loads;
  • temperature distribution;
  • heat flow distribution;
  • temperature change rate.

Buckling Analysis:

  • determination of safety factors;
  • loss of stability.

Modal Analysis:

  • determination of natural frequencies;
  • forms of natural oscillations.

Transient Structural Analysis:

  • setting load curve;
  • animation of the results;
  • check the absence of resonance phenomena.

Calculations of Joints:

  • bolted;
  • welded;
  • riveting;
  • compound rotation bodies.

Mesh Generation:

  • automatic mesh generation on surface and solid-state 3D models;
  • uniform and adaptive mesh;
  • local mesh size of edges and surfaces;
  • manual edit of generated FEM grid;
  • work with rods, shells and solids.

APM Multiphysics

Simulation of physical processes

APM Multiphysics is software for automated calculation and design of structures that allows user to solve various multiphysical tasks.

APM Multiphysics is based on the APM WinMachine software. At the same time, the software implements the necessary interrelations that allow you to perform complex calculations for fluid and gas flows, electromagnetic fields, and electrical circuits.

APM Multiphysics includes all additional calculation options:

  • Composite: calculation of structures made of composite materials;
  • Fracture: design calculation with crack analysis;
  • Fatigue: fatigue rolex daytona 116505 mens 40mm white dial rose gold tone analysis, calculation using random loads;
  • Pipe: using special finite element for pipeline calculations;
  • TopOpt: topological optimization of structures.

APM Multiphysics contains several modules that are divided into five groups:

  • Graphic tools (2D and 3D preprocessor for preparing geometry for calculations);
  • Machine parts and connections (calculations of standard machine parts, mechanisms, as well as their connections);
  • Machine parts and connections (calculations of standard machine parts, mechanisms, as well as their connections);
  • Finite element analysis (analysis of strength, stability, modal, dynamics);
  • Simulation of physical processes (analysis of the flow of liquids and gases, the calculation of electromagnetic fields, the calculation of electrical circuits);
  • Databases.

User guides are presented as separate documents for each module:

  • APM Structure3D — module for calculating the stress-strain state, stability, dynamics of parts and structures by the finite element method;
  • APM Studio — pre- and post-processor for creating models for strength (finite-element) analysis with the ability to import STEP files;
  • APM Joint — module for calculating and designing connections for machine elements;
  • APM Trans — module for calculating and designing mechanical rotation gears;
  • APM Shaft — a module for calculating and designing shafts and axles;
  • APM Bear — a module for calculating and designing bearing units with regard to their accuracy class;
  • APM Drive — a module for calculating and designing bearing;
  • APM Spring — the module for calculating and designing the elastic elements of machines;
  • APM Cam — CAM calculation and design module;
  • APM Plain — module for calculating and designing plain bearings;
  • APM Screw — module for calculating screw gears;
  • APM Dynamics — module of the kinematic analysis of lever mechanisms;
  • APM Graph — a 2D parametric drawing and graphics editor;
  • APM Base — a module for creating and editing databases.

Product features

Simulation of physical processes:

  • stationary and non-stationary thermal conductivity;
  • flow analysis of liquids and gases;
  • calculation of electromagnetic fields;
  • calculation of electrical circuits.

Multiphysical analysis:

  • thermal conductivity;
  • flow of liquids and gases;
  • thermal conductivity + flow of liquids and gases.

Strength calculations:

  • analysis of the stress-strain state (static);
  • resilience;
  • nonlinear analysis;
  • forced vibrations;
  • crack resistance;
  • fatigue.

Design and verification of
machine parts and connections:

  • mechanical gears;
  • shafts and axles;
  • rolling bearings;
  • sliding bearings;
  • elastic elements of machines;
  • cam mechanisms;
  • transfer of translational motion;
  • bolted, riveted, welded joints, as well as connections of bodies of revolution.

Finite Element cheap christian dior clone Mesh Generation:

  • automatic generation of CE nets on surface and solid-state 3D models;
  • constant or variable (adaptive) partitioning step;
    additional the functions of predisintegration of edges and surfaces;
  • manual edit generated Finite Element Mesh
  • work with rods, plates and solids.



Fluid and Gas Analysis

APM FGA is computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software that allows to solve wide range of engineering problems:

  • hydraulic and pneumatic equipment for various purposes, automatic control systems in which liquid or gas act as working medium;
  • heating, cooling and ventilation systems;
  • objects which are affected by wind flows.

Potential flow analysis allows you to calculate the pressure and velocity fields of ideal flows (incompressible, isothermal, inviscid).

Seepage flow analysis allows to calculate the pressure and velocity fields of flows through an hublot classic fusion ultra-thin skeleton 42mm replica orthotropic porous media e.g., water flow through soil.
Navier-Stokes flow analysis — numerical simulation of turbulent fluid flow.

User guides are presented as separate documents for each APM FGA module:

  • APM FGA — module for simulation of liquid and gas mechanics;
  • APM Structure3D — module for calculating the stress-strain state, buckling, natural and forced oscillations of parts and structures by the finite element method;
  • APM Studio — pre- and post-processor for creating models for strength (finite-element) analysis with the ability to import STEP files.

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Product features

Potential Flow Analysis

used to calculate rolex sky dweller herren 42mm 326938bkso automatisch goldfarben pressure and velocity fields of ideal fluid flow

Seepage Flow Analysis

used to calculate pressure and velocity fields through an orthotropic porous media for steady-state and transient problems

Navier-Stokes Flow Analysis

used to calculate the fields of kinematic, dynamic, thermal, energy characteristics of internal / external near incompressible flows in steady-state laminar / turbulent isothermal / thermal problems

APM Mechanic

Calculation of machine parts and mechanisms

APM Mechanic is a software designed to perform calculations of machine parts and mechanisms, as well as their compounds.

In fact, APM Mechanic is an integral part of the APM WinMachine software, but it can be used as an independent software.

APM Mechanic is built according to a modular scheme, which provides the convenience of its use under highly targeted industrial tasks of mechanical engineering.

There are built interconnections between the computational modules to ensure the automation of solving complex problems, for example, designing a reduction mechanism. In this case, the modules for designing mechanical gears, calculating shafts and bearings work in symbiosis. Information between them is transmitted automatically. At the same time, the designer performs the supervisory cheap replica rolex datejust 116203sdo rolex calibre 2836 2813 mens automatic function and, if necessary, can make corrections at any stage of the calculation process.

All modules are divided into three thematic groups:

  • Graphic tools (2D pre-post-processor);
  • Machine parts and connections (calculations of standard machine parts, mechanisms, as well as their connections);
  • Databases.

User guides are presented as xf factory watch separate documents for each APM Mechanic module:

  • APM Joint — module for calculating and designing connections for machine elements;
  • APM Trans — module for calculating and designing mechanical rotation gears;
  • APM Shaft — a module for calculating and designing shafts and axles;
  • APM Bear — a module for calculating and designing bearing units with regard to their accuracy class;
  • APM Drive — a module for calculating and designing bearing;
  • APM Spring — the module for calculating and designing the elastic elements of machines;
  • APM Cam — CAM calculation and design module;
  • APM Plain — module for calculating and designing plain bearings;
  • APM Screw — module for calculating screw gears;
  • APM Dynamics — module of the kinematic analysis of lever mechanisms;
  • APM Graph — a 2D parametric drawing and graphics editor;
  • APM Base — a module for creating and editing databases.

Product features

Design and Calculation of Compounds:

  • welded various types;
  • bolted connections for all possible types of loading;
  • riveted;
  • rotational part connection with tension;
  • spline connection;
  • key connections.

Designing Bearing:

  • rolling bearings;
  • plane bearings.

Design and Calculation of Mechanical Gear Rotation::

  • external and internal spur gearing with involute teeth;
  • helical gearings;
  • herring bone gearings;
  • bevel gearing with yocan orbit vape pennensets 1700mah standard involute teeth and circular teeth;
  • worm gearings;
  • flat belt transmissions;
  • V-belt transmission;
  • chains.

Check calculation of Shafts and Axles:

  • static calculations;
  • fatigue calculation;
  • calculation of dynamic characteristics.

Rotational Drive Design:

  • gears with fixed axles (cylindrical, bevel, worm, belt and chain);
  • planetary gears of various types.
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Calculation of The Elastic Elements of Machines:

  • design;
  • verification.

Check Calculation of The Translational Motion Gear:

  • gliding screw gears;
  • ball screw gears (with or without preload);
  • planet screw gears.

Cam mechanisms:

  • cam mechanism with roller arm;
  • cam mechanism with flat arm;
  • cam mechanism with roller rocker;
  • cam mechanism with flat rocker;
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Optimum solutions

Optimum solutions
in mechanical engineering

Линейка программных продуктов
APM Software Products

Software product line for engineering in very different industrial areas

Ваша задача – наше решение!
Your task is our solution!

APM company performs design work on order for enterprises and industries

CAE Software Developer

Research and Software Development Centre APM was founded in 1992 and specializes in development of software for machine elements and units, mechanisms, structures design under software product line «APM». Our company provides services in the field of research, expert analysis and technical support. We are ready for long-term partnership!

Main Activity

Software development in engineering analysis area
Team of professional engineers and programmers
Software adaptation according customer's requirements. Technical support.
Engineering and design on order

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