CAE software for automated calculation and design of mechanical equipment
APM WinMachine is built according to a modular architecture, which provides usability for industry-specific mechanical engineering problems.
All modules are divided into four groups:
- Graphic tools (2D and 3D preprocessor for preparing geometry for calculations);
- Machine parts and connections (calculations of standard machine parts, mechanisms, as well as their connections);
- Finite element analysis (analysis of strength, stability, modal, dynamics);
- Databases.
- APM WinMachine product is registered in the Register of Russian computer programs and databases.
This software product is offered in two configurations:
- ST — the dimension of problems to be solved does not exceed 1.5 million degrees of freedom;
- XE — there are no restrictions on the problem dimensions to be solved (the actual dimension is limited by the computer RAM size).If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain chain bracelet and cuffs.
Аdditional options are available:
- Composite: calculation of structures made of composite materials;
- Fracture: design calculation with crack analysis;
- Fatigue: fatigue analysis, calculation using random loads;
- Pipe: using special finite elements for pipeline calculations;
- TopOpt: topological optimization of structures.
User guides are presented as separate documents for each APM WinMachine module:
- APM Structure3D — module for calculating the stress-strain state, stability, dynamics of parts and structures by the finite element method;
- APM Studio — pre- and post-processor for creating models for finite-element analysis with the ability to import STEP files;
- APM Joint — module for calculation and design of machine elements connections;
- APM Trans — module for calculation and design of mechanical rotation gears;
- APM Shaft — a module for calculation and design of shafts and axles;
- APM Bear — a module for calculation and design of bearing units with regard to their accuracy class;
- APM Drive — a module for calculation and design of bearings;
- APM Spring — the module for calculation and design of the elastic elements of machines;
- APM Cam — CAM calculation and design module;
- APM Plain — module for calculation and design of plain bearings;
- APM Screw — module for calculation of screw gears;
- APM Dynamics — module of the kinematic analysis of lever mechanisms;
- APM Graph — a 2D parametric drawing and graphics editor;
- APM Base — a module for creating and editing databases.
APM WinMachine is the top CAE software product in Russia that has no analogues!
Product features

Strength analysis:
- analysis of the stress-strain state (static);
- buckling;
- nonlinear analysis;
- vibration strength;
- crack resistance;
- fatigue.

Calculations of Joints In Structures:
- bolted;
- welded;
- riveting;
- compound rotation bodies.

Design and Verification Calculations of Machine Parts:
- mechanical gears;
- shafts and axles;
- rolling bearings;
- plain bearings;
- elastic elements of machines;
- cam mechanisms;
- transmission of translational motion.

Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of Lever Mechanisms:
- modeling of the mechanism;
- determination of the dependence of linear and angular kinematic parameters on time;
- determination of the dependence of forces and moments on time.

Mesh Generation:
- automatic mesh generation on surface and solid-state 3D models;
- uniform and adaptive mesh;
- local mesh size of edges and surfaces;
- manual edit of generated FEM grid;
- work with rods, shells and solids.