Research and Software Development Company «APM»
Research and Software Development Centre «APM» is one of the leading Russian developers and department of the Bauman Technical State University developed the following automated design systems for manufacturing engineering: APM WinMachine and APM Civil Engineering for construction. These software products are widely used by Russian and foreign companies, organizations and design organizations. CAD/CAE system of APM WinMachine includes graphic tools, databases, strength, dynamic, heat and other analysis tools by means of the finite element method and a set of tools to calculate machines, mechanisms and other equipment with use of original methods and national standards. In order to create software of this level, APM specialists worked out perfect numerical solutions for tasks related with finite element analysis, fracture mechanics, strength, stability, proper and forced dynamics and many other engineering tasks.
Historically the work on the automated design systems began much earlier, namely, in the beginning of 1980-s when one of the company founders was dealing with quite interesting problems - prediction of equipment accuracy that was important for the country economics. By that time he managed to develop analytical methods helping to define accuracy of equipment at the design stage. Besides scientific studies, APM was the first to create laboratory and practical trainings in design. This work was performed at the Department of Design Principles of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman and was initiated by APM General Director, Professor Vladimir Shelofast. It means that it was done without financing. Now it is difficult to imagine the level of computer equipment at that time but in spite of this fact many calculation ideas were born back then allowed the company to develop the next generation of software.
Custom Solutions
APM Scientific and Technical Center offers calculation and design services for construction and manufacturing engineering with use of APM Civil Engineering and APM WinMachine systems.
Due to our extensive experience in this area we can promptly, with good quality and in a timely manner provide necessary consulting, calculations and submit results in accordance with customer requirements.
Our specialists can help to specify parameters of the calculation model, computation of missing initial data, correct modeling of applied forces, etc.
We need the general view of your structure (schematic design, pictures and drawings) and brief description of what you would like to calculate (calculation type, the entire structure or a separate node).
Based on this information we define the cost and approximate deadlines of work performance.
Main stages of calculation design:
- When you submit technical documents and a brief description of the structure and the calculation type, we define the cost and approximate deadline.
- Signing the agreement and preparing the technical assignment.
- Structural modeling and discussion with the customer. Additional information may be requested, if needed. Making all required calculations.
- Preparing a technical report and submission of calculation results to the customer.
- Different forms of cooperation are possible, for example, correction of initial data depending on calculation results. We understand very well that individual approach is needed that is why we shall be glad to answer all your questions.